ABC Teach

Beyond Autism:  PECS, Pictures, Icon Page

This is probably the best place on the internet to start looking for PECS pictures!!!  Thanks Kay for all your hard work.

Lesson plans, ebooks, worksheets and more (First need to register for free)
Crafts, custom writing paper, memory cards, awards, cards, bingo cards, bookmarks, custom coupons and more. (Be advised:  This site generates pop-up windows and tracking cookies that you may want to clear after looking at the site.)
Free printable awards. games, bulletin boards, felt board stories, file folder games and more
Written by a mother of a child with speech difficulties.  She shares on her site, clipart of common activities and objects. Her  use of color in her images makes the items very appealing to look at and use.
A site to download for free, beautiful,  full color paper toys to cut and fold.   Thank you Marilyn for sharing!
Google.  Do a search for your topic and then click on the “Images” Link at the top of the page.