ICDL – Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning

DIR® and the DIRFloortime® Approach

The Greenspan Floortime Approach

A Few Notes on Play – the DIR Model

Celebrate the Children.org

At a Floortime class, I was excited to learn about Monica Osgood’s work in applying the Floor Time principles to help school aged children. Monica has started a private school based on the Floor Time model in New Jersey.
Books to Read:

“The Child with Special Needs: Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth ” by Dr. Stanley Greenspan  and Dr.Serena Weider is a great reference. This is the main reference used by people using the Floortime Model.  Published: 1998  See book at Amazon.com

“Growing Healthy Minds: The Six Experiences that Create Intelligence and Emotional Growth in Babies and Children” by Dr. Stanley Greenspan with Nancy Breslau Lewis, Published 1999 (Easier reading than The Child with Special Needs)  See book at Amazon.com

Videos to Watch:

As part of learning to better apply the Floor Time principles in my Occupational Therapy practice, I have purchased the ICDL Training DVDs on the DIR Model and Floortime Techniques and I would be happy to share them with my clients.